The concept of auras originated in 1903 by Charles Webster Leadbeater. He authored over 30 books and he was a member of the Theosophical society. Born with the gift of Clairvoyancy, he claimed he could see auras.
What exactly are auras?
Auras are classified as electromagnetic fields of energy that emanate from all beings. It is believed that the aura extends beyond the body and forms an ethereal outline.
Auras are undetectable by most people, however, individuals with a heightened awareness can see the different colors of the Aura.

What do the different aura colors mean?
A person’s aura conveys important information on a their spiritual state. When you understand these colors, they can provide important insight.
- Black — This is an indication of hatred, anger and malice.
- Red — Occurs when a person feels oppressed or injured, it is a form of selfishness that is explosive, followed by bursts of anger.
- Sanguinary Red – Sensuality.
- Greenish-brown — Typically an indication of jealousy, however when combined with scarlet red, can indicate jealous and in love.
- Grey — Deep depression, gloomy and sad.
- Silver Grey — Fear
- Crimson — A sign of love. If tinged with brown, it can indicate selfishness.
- Dull Brown-Red — Greed, Desire for Wealth & Power.
- Orange — Ambition & pride.
- Yellow — Intellect. Deeper and duller shows selfishness.
- Green — Initially it is a sign of evil and deceit, it then becomes an energy of adaptability.
- Grey Green — Cunning.
- Dark Clear Blue — Purity, but depending on the tint and tinges, it can vary indicating selfishness, love, fear, deceit or pride.
- Light Blue — Higher spirituality, when accompanied by sparkling golden stars, a sign of elevated spiritual aspirations.
What does an aura look like?
Auras are described as energy fields found on living beings. They occur in a variety of colors. A person’s aura can change based on their energetic state and mood. The aura is oval in shape.
How do you see your aura?
Individuals who possess a heightened sense of awareness and sensitivity can see these oval-shaped auras. If you relax your body, breath in and out and soften your gaze, you may be able to see it.
Is it easier to see someone else’s aura?
Yes, it is important to be a relaxed and detached state of mind. Remember, some people are able to perceive auras more easily than others.
Why are there often several different colors in one aura?
This is normal and reflects the energy state of the individual. Different emotions and spiritual states will color the aura in a number of ways.
What do the different layers mean?
An aura is associated with different layers, it represents the various aspects of an individuals energy. The innermost layers are inked to your immediate state, it reflects your current emotions.
The Middle layer represents your long-term emotional patterns and inherent traits in your character.
It is important to surround yourself with peaceful individuals that are free of malice, envy, anger, greed and hatred. Your middle layer is prone to impressions from your emotional state.
In “Man, Visible and Invisible” by C.W. Leadbeater, the concept of the auric field passing through reincarnation suggests that the auric field, or aura, accompanies the soul as it transitions from one life to the next.
This auric field retains imprints of a person’s character, experiences, and spiritual development, influencing the circumstances and nature of subsequent incarnations.
There are some individuals that are naturally predisposed to unruly behavior could possess a tainted auric field from previous lives.
We are the sum of the five people we spend the most time with is a famous quote by Jim Rohn.
The outer layers are seen as the consciousness layer, they offer guidance into your pending spiritual development, and your connection to the divine realm.
All of these layers can give you an indication of your emotional and spiritual well-being.
Can your aura change over time?
Yes, your aura can change. In fact if you meditate a lot, you can rise to higher states of consciousness. If you are prone to high amounts of stress, and emotional turmoil, it can also color your aura with an array of colors.
In his book, Charles Leadbeater explains that humans exist on different planes of existence. Most people are considered to be at a savage level and are influenced by the Planet Mars, while highly developed individuals are governed by the Moon.
The level of a person’s development and their willingness to ascend to the Nirvanic plane cause their auras to change and evolve according to the various stages of their spiritual growth.
Is it possible to turn your aura “off”?
Aura’s cannot be turned off. However, you can protect your aura from external energies. You can use visualization or energy practices.
Can you cleanse your aura?
Yes, your aura can be purified and cleansed of negativity. Smudging with herbs and sage, using crystals, taking salt baths. You can engage in multitude of these practices.
However, the most important thing to do is surround yourself with individuals that are peaceful in nature, individuals that are not disruptive and wicked.
Don’t search for anything except peace. Try to calm the mind. Everything else will come on its own.”
Baba Hari Das
What if you can’t see or feel anything?
Its okay. If you can’t feel or see anything, then it could be a gift that requires practice and patience. You can explore different practices such as energy healing and meditation.
Reference: Leadbeater, C.W. Man, Visible and Invisible. Theosophical Publishing House, 1903.