Angel Number 1010

Angel Number 1010 is a powerful symbol of divine intervention. When you keep seeing this number, it represents the new beginnings, individuality and spiritual growth.

Angel number 1010 is calling on you to change course, to move in a different direct and find your purpose. Right now, you could be working in an environment that does not nurture your professional growth, you may feel tired, exhausted and working without a real passion for your job.

Angel number 1010

This angel number is calling on you to find your purpose and do embark upon a professional course that uses your talents and skills.

Interestingly, the number 1 represents leadership, stepping into your power and putting your needs first, whilst the number 0 is an indication of an ongoing cycle. Together, the number 10 represents completion of an old cycle, and the beginning of a new cycle.

As you evolve, old patterns, beliefs and cycles draw to a close, the universe could force you to make certain changes that will help you grow as a person. This can mean one door closing and another opening for you.

You should strive to live a life that fills you with excitement, joy and purpose. One in which you are making a contribution to this world. This is the time for you to pay attention to your life, what is working versus what is not working?

If you are investing your time and energy into things that leave you feel drained and exhausted, then the universe is reminding you to take stock of your situation and change course.

Angel Number 1010 Tarot Spread

Why is Angel number 1010 showing up?

What is this angel number trying to tell? What area of your life needs to change in order for you see progress and change?

What Areas require my focus?

Which areas require your focus? What path is opening up for you and what does the universe want you know?

Guidance from Angels

What do your guardian angels want you to know? What wisdom do they have for you right now?

Action Steps

What specific actions can you take right now that will bring you into alignment with your purpose and take you closer to the fulfillment of your goals?

Questions to ask yourself when you see Angel number 1010?

  • What is exhausting my energy?
  • What is renewing my energy?
  • What do I want to do right now?
  • What would I choose not to do right now?
  • How can I live a fulfilled life?
  • What would make me the happiest person in the world?

There are infinite possibilities in front of you right now. Doors are opening up. You simple have to have faith and trust in the universe. You are being guided to your highest purpose. Believe in your gifts and inherent talents.

Is seeing 1010 good luck?

Yes! 1010 is a symbol of your alignment with the universe. You have an opportunity of profound growth on a personal and professional level. You are called to move away from things that drain your energy and take away from your power.

Your inner being is aware of your greatness. It is up to you to bring that light out into the world and allow it to shine. There is a reason for your presence on this earth. Maintain a positive mindset, trust in yourself and take action.

Why do I see 1010 everyday?

The Universe is screaming at you that there is an easier way for you to do things. Lessen the load, meditate and pay attention to the signs. Ask yourself, what feels right? Where should I direct my energy? Allow this guidance to lead the way. Allow your life’s path to be determined by a higher purpose.

What does Angel number 1010 mean in Love, Relationships and Twin Flames?

When it comes to love, Angel number 1010 can mean that the landscape of your love life is changing, and it could be for the better. You are undergoing spiritual changes that are helping you step into your true identity.

For some people. you may find yourself leaving relationships and entering into soul honoring connections that help you live an authentic life, and for others you may reconcile with your partner and find solutions to relationship issues.

Twin flames have a difficult path ahead, certain aspects of their union will undergo major changes that could ignite the power of the connection or cause a massive ending.

The feeling of the aftermath would be peace. 1010 is a symbol of completion. The positive is that you will leave the situation knowing you did your very best, and the suffering is now over.


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.