The Hawk Spirit Animal

The Hawk Spirit Animal is a powerful spirit animal. When you receive this spirit animal in a dream or connect to it, it means that you can see through illusions clearly. You are called to trust in your inner guidance.

What does it mean when you get the Hawk spirit animal?

  • Look beneath the surface.
  • Pierce through the illusion.
  • Stay focused on your goals.
  • Observe your surroundings.
Hawk Spirit Animal.

Look beneath the Surface.

It is important to look at a situation from all points of view. There are always things that require your attention. In fact, many people disregard hidden elements and take things at face value. When you think about the hawk spirit animal, it has the ability to scout out prey that is hidden in difficult terrain.

Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience a still, small voice says to us, something is out of tune.

Carl Jung

Without this element of vigilance, the hawk won’t survive in the wild. You could be at a make or break it point in your life. There could be opportunities all around you and your ability to utilize these opportunities can mean success or failure.

Pierce through the Illusion.

The Hawk spirit animal has a powerful vision and ability to see the unknown stretch into its intuitive abilities. Native Americans often used the hawk as a symbol of hidden knowledge. The hawks were praised for their hunting abilities, and also revered for its ability to protect their tribesmen.

You are called to look into your life and see things that others do not see, this may require the shedding of ignorant beliefs and self-imposed limitations.

It is believed that the Hawk Spirit animal carries important messages from the divine. This does not only apply to Native American cultures, it also applies to Ancient Egypt. Ra, the Sun God was seen as half man, half hawk. Ra is believed to fly close to the sun and possess the power of the sky.

Stay Focused on your Goals.

The hawk Spirit animal calls on you to focus on your goals and to stay close to your objectives. You will near completion soon and must not allow anything to deter you.

If you are dreaming of the hawk, it means that you need to look more closely, there are hidden opportunities present and you have the ability to accomplish something great in your life.

Your destiny is to fulfill those things upon which you focus most intently. So choose to keep your focus on that which is truly magnificent, beautiful, uplifting and joyful. Your life is always moving toward something.

Ralph Marston

Having goals gives you purpose. Possessing a purpose sets you apart from other people. When humans stop striving towards something, they start to experience a decline in their mental faculties. Life becomes dull, and they start to complain. Stay away from individuals without goals.

Observe your surroundings.

To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.

Marilyn vos savant.

People are often too caught up in their problems to pay attention to the lessons that are being played out right in front of them. You can learn so much by observing other people. Doing so will save you the time of making the same mistakes.

The Hawk analyses its surroundings and make decisions based on its ability to achieve success. You will never see a hawk flying aimlessly, there is always a purpose when it takes flight. This means that you will need to impart an element of strategy in the achievement of your goals.

Stop wasting energy on fruitless activities that bring you no joy or results. Pursue the path that fuels your passion.

The Dolphin Spirit Animal