The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest. This chakra is known as the bridge between the lower and higher chakras. When blocked it leads to turmoil and disconnection.

What are signs of an Imbalanced Heart Chakra?

  • An inability to love oneself.
  • A difficulty to forgive.
  • Unable to nurture relationships.

What are the signs of a Balanced Heart Chakra?

  • Peace of mind.
  • A deep love for oneself.
  • Stable relationships.

Understanding the Heart Chakra

Surprisingly, the heart chakra is vibrant green in color. It represents as the energetic hub for love, understanding and compassion. It is generally seen as the seat our spiritual and emotional well-being.

When your heart chakra is suffering from a malfunction of sorts, there is a difficult to love and accept yourself and other people. The inner dialogue is plagued with negativity and there is a struggle to embrace your talents and gifts.

Some people never address this imbalance, as a result, self-doubt creeps in causing feelings of inadequacy.

Fear of Vulnerability + an inability to Forgive.

Holding grudges and dealing with unresolved conflicts creates festering wounds, this leads to emotional burdens that weigh heavily on the heart. The act of forgiveness is a difficult for many people.

There are a number of ways to practice forgiveness, they include releasing difficult emotions and finding closure on a permanent level.

Establishing trust and empathizing with your loved one’s emotions can lead to open and clear communication.


When people choose to isolate themselves and disconnect from others, this results in a form of emotional detachment. This creates a difficulty to empathize with others.

Physical Symptoms

When the heart chakra is blocked, it can manifest in the form of heart issues, tension in the chest area. Some individuals experience respiratory symptoms.


Meditation is a powerful tool that can help you heal your heart chakra. Finding a quiet place to close your eyes can help you center yourself. When you visualize a radiant light at the center of your chest, it helps your heart to expand and it fills your chest with healing energy.

Use Healing Crystals

Powerful crystals that can be used for healing are rose quartz and emerald. Placing these crystals on your chest can help you in the process of letting go off pain, and making room for happiness.

Healing the Root Chakra, Restoring Stability and Security