Angel Number 1717

Angel number 1717 is a powerful sign from the universe. You could have been seeking validation from other individuals and as a result, not living up to your life’s expectations. This Angel number is letting you know that what you have contributed to society is enough.

We are often told that we should pay our dues and fulfill other people’s expectations. Be nice they say, be kind they say, do this and that, they say. And for what?

The truth is you get nowhere by sacrificing yourself to make other people happy. Stop trying to please people, it gets you no where.

A wonderful quote by Nelson Mandela is as follows:

“Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.”

Nelson Mandela

What does Angel Number 1717 mean for you?

The Universe is recognizing your value and worth. You have been living your life according to other people’s expectations. You could feel as if its your job to make other people happy and it is not. When things go wrong, you could feel its your problem and you have to fix it.

What does Angel Number 1717 mean in Love, Relationships & Twin Flames?

Angel number 1717 means that your relationship with your partner is not fostering your emotional growth as a person. You are doing more than is needed for this person, and getting far too little in return. You deserve so much more. Your soulmate is out there and willing to offer you everything.

If you have broken up with a person, then it is possible that they are recognizing your worth and value. They regret how they treated you and feel a strong sense of pain. Ever since you have left, nothing has been the same and they find themselves missing you throughout the day.

Interestingly, this person may have assumed that the grass is greener on the other side, only to be painfully reminded that there is no one like you. You are called to not engage with this person, especially if they took you for granted.

In Twin Flame situations, you are putting in a lot of energy into the relationship, and your twin soul is not doing anything in return. Its time the nature of the connection and take a time out.

Many people are unaware of the fact that the Twin flame journey can be a singular experience. If you are willing to the work on your own, then there is no need or purpose for a twin flame. Especially in cases, where they are not an active part of your life.

Angel Number 2323