The Eagle Spirit Animal

The Eagle Spirit Animal enters your world with a powerful message. With its incredible wings and penetrating eyes, the eagle serves as a symbol of power, strength and tenacity.

The Founding fathers of the United States of America chose the bald eagle as their national animal, it represents the concept of freedom and immortality.

During the Pharaoanic Civilization of ancient Egypt, the Eagle was a symbol of the Goddess Nekhbet. She was considered as the protector of the Pharaoh.

What does the Eagle Spirit Animal mean in your Life?

  • Take Charge, Choose your own Path.
  • In the Face of Adversity, choose to be courageous.
  • Look at the bigger picture.
  • Prepare for a Spiritual Awakening.
Eagle Spirit Animal.

Take Charge, Choose your own Path.

Following the crowd is understandable in certain circumstances. However, in many situations, in order to stand out and find your own path, you have to break free from the crowd and follow your own vision.

The Eagle Spirit Animal is an independent creature, it lives a solitary existence. When the Eagle becomes tied down to one ideology, it loses its sense of right and wrong. Things become blurry and the path becomes obscured.

I think our life is a journey, and we make mistakes, and it’s how we learn from those mistakes and rebound from those mistakes that sets us on the path that we’re meant to be on.

Jay Ellis

In the Face of Adversity, choose to be courageous.

The Eagle Spirit Animal calls on you to choose courage over fear. The time is now. Do not wait for another time to act on your instincts. When an eagle spots a prey from the skies, it prepares to descend and grabs its supper. It does not say, I will wait until morning to catch it.

This notion is similar to the saying, ”lightning does strike the same place twice”. In the same light, take full advantage of the opportunity when it presents itself. It might not be there the next day.

Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I’ll show you someone who has overcome adversity.

Lou Holts

Look at the bigger picture.

The Bigger picture always shows you things that are often ignored when looking at the details. If you look at the Eagle spirit animal, it analyzes it surroundings, whilst flying high in the sky. It surveys its surroundings, with an occasional glance at the horizon.

It never gets so caught up on one thing. The Eagle is open to opportunity. Its prey could be over that hill or under a tree. In the same light, you cannot ignore potential opportunities by staying too focused on one thing.

Focus is a good thing, but until you establish it is the best thing, you may not know what is out there. Exploring your options can provide vital clues into what you really want out of life.

The big picture doesn’t just come from distance; it also comes from time.

Simon Sinek

Prepare for a Spiritual Awakening.

The Eagle Spirit animal is considered a spiritual messenger that carries messages from the divine realm.

When an eagle appears in your dream, it carries a message of a potential spiritual awakening. Experiencing a spiritual awakening means shedding old thoughts, beliefs and ideas that no longer serve you.

You could have been walking blindly towards your objective, thinking that it is best for you, when the universe could have something better prepared for you.

In times of adversity and if you want a clear indication from the universe on whether you should pursue the path, the eagle spirit animal is a sign fro you to go for it.

The Giraffe Spirit Animal