The Wolf Spirit Animal.

Is the Wolf spirit your spirit animal? Wolves have always been a source of inspiration for mankind. Throughout history the spiritual animals have played a significant role in certain cultures and beliefs. In this case, the wolf carries the symbol of strength, intelligence, wisdom and the untamed wilderness. 

Independence and Freedom

Wolves are often associated as pack animals, which is coordinated by the ranking system such as alpha and beta males and females that are in charge of the rest of the pack.

When we talk about Wolf as a spirit animal, we are talking about the alpha males and alpha females, which are the leaders of the pack that always act on its independence and their deep connection to freedom. 

In the vastness of nature, the territories of a wolf pack may extend hundreds of square miles. This extreme territoriality reflects their need for personal space and independence.

The wolf as the spirit animal teaches us that having the freedom to act on its own will enhances your power and strength as a dominant figure. For wolves, the importance of ruling its own space while being able to freely roam in its territory is vital for its success and happiness.

A wolf choosing to go on its own path will create a path for the rest of the pack to follow. Having independence is not only an innate desire, but it enables a wolf to become a leader of a pack and the self-assurance of a leader will ensure the odds of survival of a pack.

These diversified characters of wolves can be incorporated into our social lives. Having balance between achieving our individual goals whilst living harmoniously in a community would be an ideal achievement as humans are also social beings.

Wolves may be solitary when it comes to exploring the wilderness, but they always come together to increase the success rate of their survival by collaborating and cooperating with the pack.

Instinct and Intuition

Wolf’s instinctual inner beast comes out when they are hunting, or when they are defending their pack against the other dangerous animals. Relying on their intuition is also very crucial for their success and survival, mainly due to the unexpected events that poses threat to the wolves.

By listening to our inner voices and connecting with ones intuition, we can find the best path towards success even during the time of difficulties just as the wolf does in the wilderness. 

Strength and Resilience

Beyond the look of regal power, the wolves encounter numerous challenges in their daily lives. Firstly, they live in harsh environmental conditions that put their bodies through a tremendous amount of stress. Secondly, they must win against the competitors for the limited amount of resources such as water and food. 

However, the wolves are the apex predators, which mean that they are the strongest and most resilient animals in their natural habitat. In order to remain on the top of the food chain, they are not only equipped with the sharp teeth and claws, they are also naturally resilient to rise above all the rest. 

When we feel like there is an unexpected setback that puts us through emotional difficulties, the wolf spirit encourages us to connect with our inner strength so that we adapt to the new situation and persevere to meet the positive outcome, just like the wolves do in the wild.

What does Wolf spirit mean in your dreams?

When you discover that the wolf spirit has visited you in your dreams, it is time for you to look deeper into the message from the spirit.

The wolf spirit symbolizes wisdom, intuition, inner strength, leadership and natural instinct. It is metaphysically believed that the wolf spirit comes in your dreams to provide you with guidance towards success.

You may be at a place where you are seeking direction to go on the right path and the wolf spirit is encouraging you to discover your true identity and connect with your inner being.

Colors of the Wolf

Different colors of the wolf that visits your dream have different meanings.

Grey Wolf

Grey wolves are related to intelligent, wisdom, strength, leadership, protection, instinct, attachment and relationship. If the grey wolf spirit has visited you in your dream, it means that you need to understand the feelings that you are currently experiencing at this point in time.

The emotions that you are experiencing when you are with someone, or emotions that are triggered when you are doing certain activities. If you dream’t about the grey wolf, it is time for you to connect with your inner being, take control of your life and resolve the unsettled feelings that you by listening to your inner voice.

Black Wolf

Black wolf in your dream could mean that you long to discover or understand something deep and profound in your life. This could be related to things related to your current situation that needs to be resolved or things that needs to be understood. You are discovering the territory of unknown and you are seeking the truth behind it.

White Wolf

White wolf has symbolic meaning of purity, peace, freedom, intuition and loyalty. If the white wolf spirit has visited you in your dream, this could mean that you are either seeking for spiritual guidance or you are seeking for contentment in your life.

You may be searching for an answer to overcome a hardship in your life, or you are on the right path to find the peace of mind very soon if you dream about white wolf.

Brown Wolf

Brown wolf has symbolic meaning of determination, perseverance and resilience. You may be in a situation where you are having issues with the person who is close to you like your family or friends, or even a business partner, and this situation needs to be looked into with patience as well as persistence to meet the positive outcome.

Red Wolf

This is an extremely rare animal that are only found in certain location on Earth. The great fortune is in your favor if this wolf spirit has visited to you in your dream. This wolf also carries the message that you are connected with Earth and you are in harmony with your surroundings and it is a positive sign that you are on the right path towards your success.

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