Chakras are spinning wheels of energy located within the human body. The word chakra comes from sankrit and means disk. The concept is rooted in Eastern teachings.
The Chakra, ‘wheels of energy’ also form an integral part of Chinese medicine. When you understand these energy points, they can aid in the understanding of the vital flows of vibration.
What are the Seven Main Chakras?
There are seven chakras that are situated along the central axis of the human body, each with a different function. It starts from the base of spinal column and ascends to the crown of the head. Each area governs the mind, body and soul dimensions.

Root Chakra
The Root Chakra is linked to stability and your connection to the physical world. It governs the foundation of your body and correlates with safety, comfort and security. It is symbolized by the color red.
Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra is located below the navel. It is associated with your passion and sexuality. It connects to the manner in which you experience pleasure. It is symbolized by the color orange.
Solar Plexus Chakra
The Solar Plexus is found in the upper abdomen, it correlates to your personal power and sense of self-confidence. It governs over your willpower, identity and how you are perceived in the world. It is represented by the color yellow.
Heart Chakra
The Heart is located in the chest area, it is connected to love, forgiveness and kindness. It serves as a bridge between the lower, and upper body. It is symbolized by our spiritual and physical aspects.
Throat Chakra
The Throat energy point governs self-expression and communication. It allows you to voice your thoughts and feelings with clarity. It is symbolized with the color blue.
Third Eye
The Third Eye is connected to your perception and insight into your deeper mind, it provides an route to higher wisdom and a sense of inner knowing. It is symbolized by the color indigo.
The Crown Chakra
Found at the crown of the head, this energy point represents your spiritual connection, awareness and illumination. It connects with your state of higher consciousness, and oneness with the universe. It is symbolized by the color violet.

What does it mean if a Chakra is blocked or unbalanced?
When your energy points are blocked, it is a sign that the flow of energy is disrupted, when your chakras are not functioning optimally, it can show up in different ways. There could be an an overflow of energy or a perhaps a complete lack of flow of energy from one area to another. This can cause mind and body issues.
For example, a blocked root energy point can lead to instability, whilst an unbalanced heart energy point can cause an inability to form deep emotional connections.
Can a blocked chakra affect your health?
A blocked Heart chakra can lead to heart problems, high blood pressure. Similarly, a blocked throat chakra can lead to difficulties in communication.
How can you unblock a chakra?
Taking a holistic approach can help restore the natural flow of energy. It is recommended to try meditation, breath-work and visualization to release the blockages.
There are some yoga poses that can also stimulate energy points. Consider sound therapy, listening to specific frequencies to align your energy.
Gemstones are powerful carriers of energy, they can assist in energy healing. Ensure that you are fully aware and introspective during the process of releasing the blockages.
What happens when all 7 chakras are aligned?
In a state of balance in your emotional, physical and spiritual aspects, it is important to open your energy points, this allows for a flow of energy throughout your body. This will help you increase your vitality and increase your immune system.
Emotionally, you will start to feel stability and gain a sense of resilience in the face of life’s challenges. When you energy is aligned, you will have a heightened sense of intuition.
4 Powerful Tips to Harmonize your Chakras
Meditation and Mindfulness
Meditation and mindfulness can help balance your energy points. It helps you become aware of your energy, allowing you to identify any potential blockages and release them.
As you focus on each area during meditation, you can start visualize spinning wheels of light, and see the energy flowing freely through them. Try to picture the different colors as each point, reciting certain mantras can be useful as well.
Yoga and Movement
Yoga poses are instrumental in maintaining the flow of your energy. Think of poses such as the Tree pose, cobra pose, etc. Physical activity can also be useful clearing blockages and energetic stagnation.
Energy Healing
Energy healing practices such as acupuncture, crystal healing and Reiki can help identify and remove blockages inside of you.
Aromatherapy and Sound Therapy
Aromatherapy, such as essential oils and sound frequencies can balance and cleanse your energy. Certain scents are associated with each body part and can re-calibrate your energy points into alignment. Placing lavender oil on your crown can help you release tension and anxiety.
By incorporating these practices into your routine, you can gain inner peace and happiness.
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