Cycles of the Moon: How to Tap into the Power of the Lunar phases.

The Cycles of the moon have fascinated humans for more than a millennia. Many poems have been written on the moon and its magic on one’s life. Human existence is depended on the placement of the moon in our skies, without which would result in human extinction.

Cycles of the Moon.

The Cycles of the Moon

New Moon

The Moon is continuously going through cycles, each time it comes with a different energy and meaning. Some individuals have started setting intentions during the new moon.

Typically new moons represents a clean slate. The possibility of a fresh start which is symbolized by the start a new lunar cycle.

Waxing Crescent

During the Waxing crescent, the moon has a powerful illumination which heralds the possibility of growth. At this time, you are inclined to feel a desire to propel forward. You could be called to take steps towards your goals. With patience, you can experience your dreams turn into reality.

First Quarter

The First Quarter is a unique time in the lunar cycle, as you can only see half the moon at an angle to the sun. You could feel a sense of urgency and desire to take action. If there are things getting in the way of your progress, you are more likely to deal with it head on.

Waxing Gibbous

The waking gibbous phase presents a powerful opportunity for you to refine your goals and set new intentions. During this time, you will experience a desire to go inwards, to measure your progress and to assess if any adjustments are required.

Full Moon

The Full moon is a time of reaping rewards, many individuals experience the fruition of their goals. During this time, individuals also experience the potential of releasing emotional baggages.

It is recommended that when the moon reaches its zenith, you should release any negative emotions, or unfulfilling relationships. This allows for growth and transformation.

Waning Gibbous

The Waning gibbous phase is particularly special, its luminosity makes way for the darkness. This opens the door to introspection.

Like the full moon, there is an opportunity to release attachments and individuals that do not take you towards your higher purpose.

Last Quarter

The last quarter is a pivotal moment in the cycle of the moon. This is the time to take a closer look at your intentions and realign with our goals.

Waning Crescent

The waning crescent is a powerful phase that requires rest and rejuvenation. This is the time to pause, reflect and recharge your batteries. During this time, acts of self-love can help you regain your focus.

Engage in practices such as relaxation, meditation whilst simultaneously nurturing your mind, body and soul.

Practical Ways to Harness Lunar Energy during the Cycles of the Moon.

There are many ways for you to harness the power of the lunar energy.

Create New Moon Intentions

At the start of the lunar cycle. There is an opportunity for you write your goals and aspirations down. You can meditate on this energy during different lunar phases.

Full Moon Release Ritual

You can meditate during this time and let go off any negative emotions and old patterns.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Set aside to jot down your thoughts in a diary. You can assess your progress by checking in on the lunar cycle during that time of the month.

Moon bathing

Spend time in the natural moonlight, clear your mind and focus on the majestic beauty of the moon. Allow yourself to become at peace with your environment. Find things to feel grateful for and then turn that energy inwards.

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