Self discovery is one of the most important elements to discovering the true you. Many people live their lives in a manner that does not foster personal growth, they go about their day to day routines consumed with what they believe to be important elements of their existence.
Always looking outwards and never inwards, they exist simply because they are alive.
Tina Lifford Quote is quite profound and explains the importance of knowing oneself, ”When you know yourself, you are empowered and when you accept yourself, you are invincible”.

“You have no need to travel anywhere. Journey within yourself, enter a mine of rubies and bathe in the splendor of your own light.”–Rumi
Self discovery tarot spread
What card best represents my Core Identity in this moment?
This represents your essence in this given moment in time.
What are my unconscious desires?
What is lurking deep inside your unconscious desires. What are your hidden passions and dreams?
What are the Past Influences that affect me?
Your past experiences and influences have shaped your attitude in life, for many people, they live with false beliefs that need to be addressed. This card can help you find the answer to limitations that must be removed to see tangible results.
How do I process my Emotions at this time?
Processing your emotions can help you understand your thoughts and underlying behaviors. Knowing why you do what you do can help you break out of patterns.
What are my strengths and talents?
Discovering your strengths, abilities and talents can empower you to achieve your potential. By embracing your gifts, you can make the world a better place.
What are Potential areas of growth?
Through focusing on personal growth, you will start to see challenges as opportunities for learning and development.
Where can I draw Inner Wisdom from?
Your inner wisdom can help you listen to your inner voice. Learning to trust your inner voice can help you connect with the divine.
What can fuel my passion and purpose?
Surrounding yourself with the right people at the right time is crucial for your success. This will help you align with your authentic desires.
How can I express myself more?
Expressing yourself is important for growth. Move away from people that do not see the value of your words. Start living an authentic life. If you find yourself in the company of people that do not want to honor the expression of your thought, its time to find new people.
The Self discovery tarot spread is designed to help you rediscover new aspects of yourself. If you are constantly growing, learning and moving towards your objectives. Your tarot spread will change throughout the months ahead.
It is advisable to keep a diary of these changes and if ordering tarot readings through this website to chart your progress. It will provide incredible illumination to your path ahead.
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