20 Powerful Three-Card Tarot Spreads

A Three-Card Tarot Spread can provide you with powerful insight on a particular situation in your personal life.

Powerful Three-Card Spreads 

Read Next: 10 Powerful Love Tarot Spreads

Past-Present-Future Spread

The Past, Present and Future Tarot Spread can help you recognize patterns and enable you to learn from mistakes. Through assessing your circumstances, and challenges, you can seize opportunities effectively.

Card 1: Past influences on the current situation.

Card 2: Present circumstances and energies.

Card 3: Future outlook and potential developments.

Mind-Body-Spirit Spread

The Mind, Body and Spirit connection is powerful in terms of assessing the possibility of harmony as well as understanding your beliefs, thoughts and mental state.

Card 1: The state of your mind.

Card 2: The condition of your body.

Card 3: The state of your spiritual well-being.

Decision Making Spread

By making informed decisions, you can ensure personal growth and positive outcomes. This can also help you avoid regret and hardship.

Card 1: The pros of a decision.

Card 2: The cons of a decision.

Card 3: The ultimate guidance for making the decision.

Harmony in Your Relationship Spread

Harmony in your relationship is a crucial building block of compassion, empathy and trust between partners.

Card 1: Your feelings and emotions.

Card 2: Your partner’s feelings and emotions.

Card 3: The overall energy of the relationship.

Goals-Obstacles-Advice Spread

Working towards your goals gives your life purpose and direction. This helps you achieve greater levels of success.

Card 1: Your current goals and aspirations.

Card 2: Obstacles or challenges you may face.

Card 3: Advice on how to overcome these obstacles.

Love-Work-Spirituality Spread

By enjoying your work, you can live a more fulfilling and happy life. This enhances your levels of creativity and overall job satisfaction.

Card 1: Insights into your love life.

Card 2: The current state of your career or work life.

Card 3: Guidance on your spiritual journey.

Strength-Weakness-Opportunity Spread

Turning a weakness into a strength is an important step in your personal development. Through overcoming your limitations and challenges. You can can convert weakness into strength.

Card 1: Your current strengths.

Card 2: Areas where you may need to improve.

Card 3: Opportunities for growth and progress.

New Beginnings Spread

New beginnings bring the joy of new opportunities. Leaving the past behind can offer you exciting new possibilities.

Card 1: What to leave behind in the past.

Card 2: What to embrace in the present.

Card 3: What to look forward to in the future.

Communication Breakdown Spread

Communication is crucial for strong relationships. It helps you gain understanding in moments of confusions. Misunderstandings can erode trust and respect.

Card 1: Your communication style.

Card 2: How others perceive your communication.

Card 3: Advice for improving communication.

Career Path Spread

A proper career path is necessary for long-term happiness and fulfillment.

Card 1: Your current career path.

Card 2: Alternative career options.

Card 3: What you need to consider for your career.

Inner-Outer-Self Spread

Your inner world and outer world has to be in alignment for harmony in your world. Self-awareness and mindfulness is crucial for your emotional and mental well-being.

Card 1: Your inner thoughts and feelings.

Card 2: How you present yourself to others.

Card 3: The true essence of your being.

Dreams-Reality-Resolution Spread

Deciphering between your dreams and reality can help you cut through the illusion. This can present a resolution and a way-forward.

Card 1: Your dreams and desires.

Card 2: The current reality or challenges.

Card 3: The potential resolution or way forward.

Creative Inspiration Spread

The Creative inspiration tarot spread can help you understand your subconscious mind.

Card 1: Blocks or obstacles to your creativity.

Card 2: Sources of inspiration and ideas.

Card 3: How to tap into your creative flow.

Health and Well-being Spread

This tarot spread helps you identify areas that require better choices and adjustments.

Card 1: Current physical health status.

Card 2: Emotional well-being.

Card 3: Advice for overall wellness.

Self-Care Spread

Using this self-care spread can help you establish areas of your life that require your attention.

Card 1: The areas of your life that need self-care.

Card 2: Self-care practices to implement.

Card 3: The potential benefits of self-care.

Financial Stability Spread

This three-card tarot spread can show you potential opportunities and risks.

Card 1: Current financial situation.

Card 2: Factors influencing your finances.

Card 3: Steps to achieve greater stability.

Family Dynamics Spread

The family dynamics tarot spread can identify strengths, and areas of growth for you.

Card 1: Family relationships and interactions.

Card 2: Issues or tensions within the family.

Card 3: How to promote harmony and understanding.

Letting Go and Moving On Spread

Letting go is and moving on is an important part of releasing attachment. Embracing new beginnings can help you gain insight into lessons learned from the past.

Card 1: What to release or let go of.

Card 2: The healing process.

Card 3: The positive outcomes of moving on.

Travel and Adventure Spread

This three-card tarot spread helps you find outlets of spontaneity and curiosity. Through seeking adventure, you can embark on thrilling journeys, you can meet new people and experience a life of wonder.

Card 1: Your desire to travel or explore.

Card 2: Potential travel opportunities.

Card 3: What to consider before embarking on an adventure.

Gratitude and Abundance Tarot Spread

Gratitude can attract more blessings into your life. This tarot spread can help you see what is working in your favor.

Card 1: Things to be grateful for in your life.

Card 2: Areas where abundance is flowing.

Card 3: How to attract more abundance and blessings.

Remember, Tarot readings are a tool for guidance. You can gain a great deal of insight into your personal life. It is advised that you keep a diary to chart your progress.